Apr 24, 2009

fear, go away



yes. you're unfortunate friend over here is actually having those phobias. wonder what they is? pergi wikipedia for more information. but hey, i don't suffer those phobias to the extended stage. and, i don't really enjoy receiving any sinister jokes or surprise regarding those two. seriously. i can give out an abnormally freaky reflex action.

i remembered once there's my neighbour who knew it by heart that i'm having a ghast fear of frogs(there i said it already) put one of that creature in my shoe and when i was about to wear it, it hopped out of my shoe and i was jumping away and screaming like i just saw an accident right in front of my eye(!) yes i did. and as a result, i didn't go out and play outside for two weeks. i just stayed inside my house and i also got really, i mean it, REALLY afraid to go to ANY playground. since that creature is as green as the grass. and thats also the reason why i don't wear sneakers that much NOW.

coulrophobic. i'm one of it. bother to know my most unforgettable experience i had, thus making me realized that i'm having this phobia? continue reading. chehh. haha. i went to my friend's birthday party and as you know, birthdays are synonym to clowns. there. right when i wanted to give the present i bought to ze birthday boy, i saw that person, in a terribly polka dotted overall. with smeared make up and, you know how exactly clown dressed right? i can't elaborate. though i know it was just a normal human being under that hideous apparel, i can't seem to think that way at that critical moment. so, being an 8 years old coulrophobic kiddo, i managed to run away from ze birthday party. here's the climax, afraid that the clown might chase after me, i stopped a car and asked for a ride home. from a stranger. yes. unbelievable. see, now you know how a phobic would act. thank god that aunty was kind enough and sent me home safe and sound. all i remember i just told the aunty that my house is at jalan H2 and why i wanted to go home. after that very terrifying incident, my mum's official favoured line is, 'don't talk to stranger'. haha.

that's all for now, from your freako mate:)

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closer than you thought

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no need to tell my name again and again. you are well aware of that. a little less about me; i'm one of a kind earthlings. bet you won't find a creature like me in your sundry stores. i sing my heart out when i'm mad. i enjoy composing poems as it enables me to picture myself in others situation. i do blog even when my composition is nothing to be proud of. i do polyvore although 'lack in fashion sense' is my middle name. i do have scarce number of friends with different skintone while my english command is nothing to be compared with my other amigos. i do photography even when i really don't produce photos that make people go 'aahh'. so that's what jazrina really is. trying to live her life to the fullest even when she doesn't excel in everything she tries:)

