Jun 28, 2009

its not that hard to move your lips into a smile

"Oh dear, it’s been, 
Hardly three days,
Yet I long,
To feel your embrace.
There are several days yet until,
I can see your sweet face"

i don't know why, everything around me just seems wrong. everyone been busy with all their never ending problems. problem is a friend only if we seek it. sometimes i wonder, why don't we try, even just for a day to stop contemplating and fussing around and just let things happen. they don't quote 'sit back and relax' or 'wait and see' or maybe 'go with the flow' just for nothing, you know. can't we let destiny or fate do their job? is it just me or homo-sapiens like us really try so hard to change everything? for those who've been wearing frowns all this while, i reckon you to be an optimist and spread the smile all over your face :)

oh and Transformers is plain awesome. i love you Optimus Prime. haha.

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closer than you thought

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no need to tell my name again and again. you are well aware of that. a little less about me; i'm one of a kind earthlings. bet you won't find a creature like me in your sundry stores. i sing my heart out when i'm mad. i enjoy composing poems as it enables me to picture myself in others situation. i do blog even when my composition is nothing to be proud of. i do polyvore although 'lack in fashion sense' is my middle name. i do have scarce number of friends with different skintone while my english command is nothing to be compared with my other amigos. i do photography even when i really don't produce photos that make people go 'aahh'. so that's what jazrina really is. trying to live her life to the fullest even when she doesn't excel in everything she tries:)

